Tallulah Cunningham's illustration practice covers a wide gamut of themes, styles and media ranging from the scientific to the fantastical. She is thoroughly adaptable and enjoys working with clients to create richly detailed and engaging work.Her illustration practice is informed by past study in Parks and Wildlife Management and volunteer experience with zoological, botanical, agricultural and educational institutions in Australia, America and Ireland. Tallulah’s formal arts education includes a Bachelor degree and PhD in Natural History Illustration. Her PhD thesis "The Hunter Rubá'iyát: Illustrating Edward FitzGerald's Rubá'iyát of Omar Khayyám" was completed in 2015 and consists of two four-and-a-half metre long Japanese-style handscrolls and five woodcut prints designs. The illustrations and the accompanying exegesis which may be found on the University of Newcastle's thesis database. Recent projects have ranged across a wide spectrum of styles from highly detailed scientific botanical illustrations to spec fiction covers, TTRPG publications, app game assets and illustration for local council and government projects. Tallulah periodically teaches arts workshops at Lake Macquarie Museum of Art and Culture, She is an ongoing moderator and live presenter for the University of Newcastle's Award winning online drawing course NHI101x, and provides remote illstration tips through her biweekly arts practice livesteams on Twitch. Talllulah has been recognised for her contribution to the field of Illumination and Calligraphy within the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) by being elevated into the Order of the Laurel in 2014. While enthusiastic about all forms of wildlife Tallulah has a particular fondness for microbats and promoting positive education regarding these and other traditionally reviled species that are an intrinsic part of the ecosystem. She is available for both private and commercial commissions. |
This section will eventually have PDFs that run through my process for client commissions, a creative brief template to help you give me the details I need to be refine a quote for what you have in mind. |
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